
In the world of cybersecurity and software vulnerability management, specific terms and concepts are essential to understand. This glossary will provide you with a clear understanding of key terms used within the SecAlerts platform and the broader field of cybersecurity.


Alerts are notifications triggered by SecAlerts to inform users about specific security events or vulnerabilities. Alerts can be configured to provide real-time updates on software vulnerabilities, CVEs, and security threats.

CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures)

CVE, which stands for Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures, is a standardized identifier for known software vulnerabilities. CVEs are used to uniquely identify and track security vulnerabilities across different systems and platforms.

CVSS (Common Vulnerability Scoring System)

CVSS, or Common Vulnerability Scoring System, is a framework used to assess and quantify the severity of software vulnerabilities. CVSS scores help organisations prioritise and address vulnerabilities based on their potential impact and exploitability.

Notification Channels (Channels)

Notification Channels, often referred to simply as "Channels," are delivery methods for alerts and notifications within SecAlerts. These channels can include email, Slack, and other communication platforms, allowing users to receive alerts through their preferred means of communication.


An Organisation in SecAlerts refers to a user's dedicated workspace or account, where software vulnerabilities and security alerts are managed. Organisations have their settings, users, and access controls.


Properties allow users to segment their SecAlerts account into distinct groups, each with its own set of alerts and access controls. Properties are useful for organising and managing software vulnerabilities for different entities within an organisation, or different companies or divisions.


A Scan in SecAlerts is a process of collecting software information from a local network and sending it to SecAlerts for analysis. Scans help users keep track of software assets and vulnerabilities within their organisation.

Software Stack (Stack)

A Software Stack, often referred to simply as a "Stack," is a grouping of software assets into a logical collection. Stacks can be used to organise software, create alerts that include specific software collections, and streamline vulnerability management.

SSO (Single Sign-On)

SSO, or Single Sign-On, is an authentication process that allows users to access multiple applications or services with a single set of credentials. SecAlerts offers SSO integration to enhance security and user convenience.

User Roles

SecAlerts offers several User Roles:

  • Owner: Owners have the highest level of access and control within an organisation's SecAlerts account.

  • Admin: Admin users can access all properties and configure settings within the organisation's SecAlerts account.

  • Member: Members have restricted access and can only access properties to which they have been granted access by Admin or Owner users.


"Users" refer to individuals or accounts that have access to the SecAlerts platform. Users play various roles within the platform and have specific permissions and responsibilities based on their assigned roles.


A Vulnerability refers to a weakness or flaw in software or hardware that can be exploited by malicious actors to compromise the security of a system. SecAlerts helps users identify and address vulnerabilities to enhance cybersecurity.

This glossary provides a foundation for understanding the key terms and concepts used within the SecAlerts platform. If you encounter any additional terms or have questions about specific terminology, please refer to our support documentation or contact our support team for further assistance.

Last updated