
In this guide, we will explore how to effectively manage Software Stacks (or just Stacks for short) within SecAlerts. Stacks allow you to group your software into logical collections, making it easier to create alerts that include entire stacks or even multiple stacks.

Key Features

Stacks offer several key features to help you organise and manage your software assets:

  1. Custom Alerts: Create alerts that include entire Stacks or combinations of Stacks, streamlining your alert configuration.

  2. Flexible Software Addition: Add software to Stacks manually, via import from CSV, XLS, or XLSX files, or through automated cURL scripts for network scanning.

Creating and Managing Software Stacks

To create and manage Software Stacks in your SecAlerts account, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your SecAlerts account.

  2. Navigate to the "Stacks" section.

  3. Click on "Create New Stack".

  4. Provide a Descriptive Name for the Stack to easily identify its purpose.

  5. To add software to your Stack, you have several options:

    • By Name: Click "Edit" link and manually enter the software and version details under "Add New Material" section. You can add the software name as free text and we will match it as best we can. You can audit the list later. Add a specific version you would like to track, you can use * as a wildcard to track all.

    • Spreadsheet: Click "Edit" link and use the importer to upload software information from CSV, XLS, or XLSX files.

    • Local Scan: Execute this script to scan your local network for software versions and send the results to the Stack.

Utilising Stacks in Alerts

Software Stacks simplify the process of creating alerts that include specific software collections. Here's how to use Stacks in your Alerts:

  1. When creating or editing an Alert in SecAlerts, select the desired Software Stack(s) from the available options.

  2. Configure the Alert settings and triggers as needed.

  3. Save the Alert to activate it with the chosen Software Stack(s).


Stacks provide a structured approach to organising and managing your software assets. Whether you want to create alerts based on specific software collections or simply maintain a comprehensive inventory, Software Stacks offer flexibility and ease of use.

Last updated